Les debouches professionnels
La formation en agriculture est un domaine de travail qui propose diverses etudes et emplois. Ainsi, le monde agricole propose une gamme complète d’orientation professionnelle et multidisciplinaire pour satisfaire tous les besoins des professions : conseiller agriculteur, ingénieur agronome, paysagiste, etc.
L’agriculture crée sillon en France, au premier producteur européen : certeales, elevage, viniculture, agronomie, equipement agricoles et gestion du milieu naturel (environment). In Africa, le secteur agricole représente une partie de l’interieur brut qui alimente le PIB. Pourtant, a la misere des travailleurs rurals africains, le tiers traditionnelle ne dispose pas forcément de formation formelle.
Souvent, ils sont réfugiées dans des zones agriculteurs pauvres, où leur travail est souvent inhumane et parfois mal remunéré. Selon un survey de la Commission d’Agriculture en Afrique (CAAF), il y a moins de 6% des ouvriers agricoles africains who have no employment opportunities in their home countries.
On a d’une part, les effectifs agricoles are usually young people whose parents are migrant workers in developed countries. They are often unable to find jobs in their home countries due to their lack of qualifications, their age and the poor economic conditions in their country of origin.
Moreover, a large number of migratory women are employed in domestic labour in developed countries, where the demand for these services is growing but their prospects remain limited and insecure.
It is therefore essential to provide these migratory women with adequate education and professional training to ensure their success in the job market.
In a country like Morocco, where the majority of the workforce is female, it is essential to develop a specialized training programme in the field of agriculture for these women.
The Ecole Superieure d’Agriculture d’Angers, for example, offers several programmes : a bac + 2 (BTSA) a la licence pro, a BP REA (brevet professionnel responsable d’exploitation agricole), and a Master degree in l’agriculture et développement agroecologiques – M.Ag-Ed.
“La lycee agriculteur menent a des metiers, tout autour d’une valeur agro-écologique: a la nature, le flore, l’alimentation, l’environnement, etc. ”.
A la fin de cette lycee, les étudiantes orientent leurs avenirs à un emploi agricole. Some continue a their etudes, others opt for a post-graduation in a university or in an specialised centre.
Those who choose to continue their studies can also attend an apprenticeship in a farm, as well as an internship in the sector or in an agro-business. They may even become entrepreneurs in their own right, notably through the CAP Agricole, which is an opportunity for self-employment and commercialisation of the produce from the farms where they work.
Despite the difficulties, the agriculteurs of today are capable of reviving and developing their ancestral traditions while adapting to a new world, which requires a new mindset and a new way of doing business. With the help of a qualified and dedicated team, they will be able to meet their goals while maintaining the same respect for the environment and for the welfare of their workers.